Here is a simple audio amplifier circuit that is easy to build & has few components. This circuit is built around the LM386
(click for datasheet) audio amplifier integrated circuit, useful when
you need to power medium sized speakers from a music player that can
only drive earphones.
How it works:
left to right, the first part is the input stage, here is the connector
to the audio source connected too the circuit using a capacitor. This
capacitor passes only the audio, & blocks any direct current that may
affect the function of the amplifier. Next to the capacitor is a
variable transistor (potenciometer), this is used as a volume control.
is the LM386 itself, this amplifies the audio input using energy from
the battery it is connected to. You'll notice there are two capacitors
connected to it, one above & one below in the schematic. The top one
is connected from pin 1 (positive side of capacitor) to pin 8 (negative
side), this is to get the maximum amplification this IC can generate.
The bottom one is also there to help get maximum amplification, this one
goes connected from pin 7 (positive) to ground.
Last is the
output stage, it is made with two capacitors, one resistor & the
speaker. The resistor & capacitor that are connected before the
speaker form a filter, that attenuates high frequency signals coming
from the amplifier, most likely noise picked up or generated in the
amplifying process. The capacitor connected to the speaker is there for
the same reason we used a capacitor in the input stage, to prevent
direct current from causing undesired operation of the speaker.
(click to enlarge)